• Bookfest Timișoara 2025
  • 27 - 30 March

Bookfest 2024 General and Technical Regulations


The Bookfest 2024 International Book Fair exhibits to the general public a wide variety of products belonging to the publishing industry and related fields, with the aim of promoting reading and book sales. Bookfest is organized, presented and promoted by the Romanian Publishers Association, through the Board of Directors, a body empowered to implement these Regulations, as well as any other initiatives and measures necessary for the good organization and running of the event. ART. 1. Venue and duration 1.1. Bookfest 2024 will take place in Pavilion B2 of the Romexpo Exhibition Complex (ROMEXPO). 1.2. The general schedule is as follows:

  Exhibitors Visitors
Monday, May 22 (see art. 8.7.1) 08:00 – 20:00
Tuesday, May 23 08:00 – 24:00
Wednesday, May 24 09:00 – 20:30 10:00 – 20:00
Thursday, May 25 09:00 – 20:30 10:00 – 20:00
Friday, May 26 09:00 – 21:30 10:00 – 21:00
Saturday, May 27 09:00 – 21:30 10:00 – 21:00
Sunday, May 28 09:00 – 20:30 10:00 – 20:00
Monday, May 29 08:00 – 24:00

1.3. The provisions of this Regulation are established by the Organizer and may be modified at its initiative for justified reasons, which will be communicated in due time. ART. 2. Participation 2.1. The organizer makes available to Exhibitors:

  • the area ordered, according to the Registration Application
  • the package of services (general lighting of the pavilions during the event, air conditioning, cleanliness of the traffic lanes and sanitary facilities – including î during the set-up/decommissioning periods);
  • a copy of the Catalog of Exhibitors and the Program of Events;
  • event spaces, according to the proposed events to be included in the Events Program;
  • general media coverage of the Bookfest 2024 International Book Fair and the organization of related actions (debates, concerts, conferences, etc.).

2.2. Exhibitors. Publishers from Romania and abroad can participate in the Bookfest. 2.2.1. Publishers of newspapers and magazines that have literary sections with constant appearance, publishers of educational, audio-visual and IT materials are assimilated to publishing houses and can participate in Bookfest. Book distributors, booksellers, literary agents, libraries, cultural centers and representatives can also sign up. The organizer can also grant special authorization to other entities, upon their written request. Only legal entities or authorized natural persons can participate in the Bookfest. 2.2.2. Each participant is allocated a single stand. 2.2.3. The exhibitor is liable according to article 998-1003 of the Civil Code for the damages caused to the Organizer by his own actions and/or those of his agents, as well as for the goods made available by the Organizer and/or ROMEXPO. 2.3. Exhibits. In the Bookfest space, products belonging to the book industry and related fields will be exhibited. The organizer establishes the nomenclature of activities and editorial fields, which can be viewed by accessing the Participation Request available after creating an Exhibitor account on the https://bookfest.ro/expozanti/ 2.3.1. The organizer reserves the right to verify the compatibility between the editorial guidelines of the Exhibitors and Bookfest ethics. Thus, publications/audio-visual products that are racist, fundamentalist, chauvinistic, xenophobic, revisionist (according to the law, including GEO 31/2002, with subsequent amendments and additions) or pornographic are prohibited. Exhibitors in the case of which it will be established, based on photo/video/audio evidence and minutes drawn up by the Organizer, together with two witnesses, that they exhibited/marketed such publications/audio-visual products will be evicted, without the possibility of reimbursement of stand costs and, possibly, with the obligation to pay compensation toe Organizer. 2.3.2. Exhibitors can only promote their own field of activity, respectively that of co-exhibitors approved by the Organizer. 2.4. Events. The national and international activities within Bookfest 2024, having an informative, scientific and cultural character, are defined below as “events”. 2.4.1. The events can be carried out by the Organizer and, through it, by the guest of honor country. Events of this kind will consist of performances, debates, round tables, etc. and will take place in specially arranged spaces. 2.4.2. Exhibitors can organize debates, launches and presentations of books/products in related fields, autograph sessions, interviews, conferences, etc. Events of this kind will take place in their own stands or in specially arranged spaces, based on appointments, according to the provisions of Art.4. 2.4.3. Exhibitors are prohibited from organizing events without notifying the Organizer at least 48 hours in advance. Also, it is forbidden to organize events with sound system, at the stand, for exhibitors who do not allocate at least 4 square meters of the stand surface exclusively for the event space (see also art. 10.2.3. and 10.2.4.). Otherwise, the Organizer has the right to immediately declare the resolution of the contract and may proceed immediately to the evacuation of the space/stand where it is held, and the exhibitor at fault owes the Organizer damages equal to at least double value of the stand. This is an express commission pact based on the provisions of art. 1553 Civil Code and produces effects without other necessary formalities, without delay and without the intervention of the courts. ART. 3. Registration of participation 3.1. Îin order to participate in Bookfest 2024, the Organizer makes available on the website https://www.bookfest.ro, Application for participation and these Regulations. Registration is done by completing the online form, available after creating and confirming by e-mail an Exhibitor account at the following address: https://www.bookfest.ro/expozanti The organizer can send the Application for participation and these Regulations< /em>, by e-mail or fax, to potential participants who cannot complete online and/or download the mentioned documents. 3.2. The application for participation must be completed in full and sent to the Organizer by March 31, 2024 at the latest. 3.3. After completing and sending the online Application for participation (see Art.3.1), the Exhibitors will recheck the data entered in it, print it and send it to the Organizer, signed and stamped, scanned together with these Regulations, by also signed and stamped, until April 7, 2024, at bookfest@aer.ro. 3.4. The application for participation, completed, scanned and sent to the Organizer at bookfest@aer.ro, has the value of a contract concluded between the parties, representing a firm confirmation of participation and the agreement to comply with the provisions of the Bookfest 2024 Regulation, as well as the assumption of the obligation payment of the tariff. 3.5. In the event that two or more publishing houses wish to participate using a common stand, each one will complete an application, and the documents will be sent together, respecting the deadline provided for in Art.3.3. Î in this case, only the main exhibitor will appear on the guard of the stand. 3.6. Exhibitors who signed up for Bookfest, but for various reasons can no longer participate, can withdraw, but no later than April 7, 2024. 3.7. Applications for participation submitted by publishing houses that record debits to the Organizer will not be taken into account until after the applicant provides proof of settlement of the debit, but no later than April 7, 2024. In the case of settlement of debits with promissory notes, the maximum accepted payment term is April 30, 2024. For the next edition, exhibitors in this situation can no longer participate if they do not pay in full, before March 31, 2024, the costs of participating in the 2024 edition. 3.8. The exhibitor assumes responsibility for the correctness of the information provided, which will be used in accounting documents, on the register, in the Catalog of Exhibitors and in the Program of Events. ART. 4. Registration in the Catalog of Exhibitors and Program of Events 4.1. Penin order to better inform visitors, Exhibitors have the opportunity offered by the Organizer to register free of charge in the Exhibitor Catalogue and the Program of Events Bookfest 2024. 4.2 . Inclusion in the Bookfest 2024 Exhibitor Catalog and Event Program is done by completing the Participation Application available after creating an Exhibitor account at https://admin.bookfest.ro/bookfest/registrations – deadline April 9, 2024, respectively of the Event Proposal Form, available after creating an Exhibitor account and completing the Participation Application, at https://admin.bookfest.ro/bookfest/events – deadline April 16, 2024. 4.2.1. In case of modification of any data in the Application for Participation, the Exhibitor is obliged to print, sign and scan a new original copy to the Organizer, at bookfest@aer.ro. In the case of the event proposal form, there is no need for it to be sent in original, the proposed events being available and modifiable in each Exhibitor's online account. Also, new events can be added until the deadline, without the need to sign up for all the events at the same time. 4.3. For each participant, the name inscribed on the stand guard must be the same as that stated in the Participation Application, in position 10 and written in the Event Proposal Form. em> 4.4. The data of any institution or commercial company that does not participate in Bookfest 2024, but is active in the field of books, according to Art. 2.2, may be inserted in the Catalog of Exhibitors, for a fee of 100 EUR. of this Regulation. 4.5. The exhibitor assumes responsibility for the correctness of the information provided, which will appear in the Catalog of Exhibitors and the Program of Events. ART. 5. Allocation of stands and time slots for events 5.1. The organizer establishes the configuration of the exhibition space. The distribution of stands will be done after the end of the registration period, in descending order of the requested area. The date of registration at Bookfest does not constitute a criterion in the allocation of spaces, but failure to comply with the date of 31 March 2024 for registration and payment of outstanding debts to AER may lead to the loss of the location held ; in the previous year or even when a stand is not allocated for the current edition. 5.1.1. Exhibitors who order the same area, until March 31, 2024, can keep their location from the previous edition, depending on the configuration of the exhibition space. Those who order a smaller area than in the previous edition cannot request the same location, its allocation being at the exclusive discretion of the Organizer, depending on the configuration of the present edition. 5.2. The exhibitor will be notified, by e-mail, of a plan with the location of the stand that is assigned to him, indicating, in a general way, the vicinity. Any request to change the location and/or the surface of the stand must be made within 24 hours from the date of transmission of the plan by the Organizer, who will try, as far as possible, to respond to the Exhibitor's request. After this term, the location proposed by the Organizer is considered accepted by the Exhibitor. 5.2.1. An Exhibitor cannot sell, in whole or in part, the area rented at Bookfest without the prior written authorization of the Organizer. The exhibitor who violates this provision is sanctioned with exclusion from the exhibition space, without having the right to claim penalties. 5.2.2. For Exhibitors who request stands with at least two free sides, and if this is possible according to the plan, a surcharge of 1000 euros is invoiced. 5.2.3. In case of non-occupancy of the stand by an Exhibitor, on the day of the start of the event (May 24, 2024, 10:00 a.m.), regardless of the reason, the amounts paid as space rental /stand remain to the Organizer as interest damages for the Exhibitor's non-execution of the obligations assumed by accepting the conditions of this Regulation. 5.3. Country guest of honor. At Bookfest 2024, Italy is the country of honor. 5.4. Time slots for events. The cultural events designed by the Exhibitors to take place in the specially arranged spaces will be centralized byOrganizer, based on written requests (see Art. 4.). In the case of identifying overlapping events, in the same spaces, the Organizer reserves the right to order the activities, informing the Exhibitors in good time about the possible changes. ART. 6. Rates 6.1. The rate charged to Exhibitors for participation is:

  • unfurnished stand (empty surface) = 60 euros/m2 (VAT not applicable);
  • standard set-up stand (Octanorm panel), surface area over 20 sqm = 80 euros/sqm (VAT not applicable);
  • standard set-up stand (Octanorm panel), area under 20 sqm = 60 euros/sqm (VAT not applicable);

Exhibitors who are not active in the publishing field pay a rate increased by at least 50%. Publishers who order 6 square meters of standard layout will receive an invoice for a stand of 4 square meters of standard layout. 6.1.1. The tariff defined above (Art. 6.1) includes:

  • the rent for the îrented area;
  • construction of the standard stand;
  • service package (general lighting of the pavilions, cleanliness of the circulation lanes in the pavilions during the duration of the event, access to the sanitary facilities and their cleanliness for the entire contractual period, including the fitting-out and decommissioning period);
  • get a free copy of the Exhibitor Catalog and Program of Events;
  • Exhibitors' free access to event spaces (except for conference rooms);
  • general media coverage of the Book Fair and the organization of related actions (debates, launches and presentations of books/products from related fields, autograph sessions, interviews, conferences, performances, etc.).

6.1.2. Two or more Exhibitors can rent a common stand. In this case, the participation fee will be paid by the main Exhibitor. 6.2. The Exhibitor can display, for a fee, banners inside the pavilion rented for Bookfest 2024. For this purpose, the Exhibitor will send the Organizer a written request, containing the location details, by Friday, 3 May 2024. ROMEXPO reserves the right to order the immediate removal of improperly displayed banners. 6.3. The organizer cannot be held responsible for any commercial losses recorded by Exhibitors during Bookfest 2024, regardless of their causes. 6.4. The use by Exhibitors of the stages and other event spaces in hall B2 is free subject to confirmation of the availability of the time slots by the Organizer (See Art. 6.1.1.). ART. 7. Payment conditions 7.1. Payment for the ordered surfaces, the arrangement of the stands and the additional equipment is made within the terms and according to the methods established by the Organizer and communicated through these Regulations. 7.2. Within a maximum of 5 working days from the approval of the stand location by the Exhibitor, the Organizer will issue the invoice for participation to the Exhibitor, payment being made as follows:

  • 50% of the invoiced amount, by bank transfer, î within 15 working days after issuing the invoice
  • 50% of the invoiced amount, by bank transfer, until May 7c.. This installment can be covered by promissory notes due on August 31, 2024 strong>, only by those Exhibitors who did not register outstanding debts to the Organizer, on March 1, 2024.

7.2.1. The option of paying the second half of the billed amount by promissory note is not valid for exhibitors participating for the first time at Bookfest. 7.3. The rates are set in EUR and are paid in RON at the leu/euro exchange rate communicated by the BNR on the day the invoice is issued. 7.4. In the event that the transfers are not made in full within the stipulated terms, the Exhibitor loses the right to participate in Bookfest 2024, and the amounts paid to the Organizer's account will be retained as interest damages for non-execution by the Exhibitor of the assumed obligations. 7.5. For conference rooms, invoices will be issued directly by ROMEXPO. ART. 8. Contractual and technical conditions for occupying, setting up and decommissioning the stands 8.1. The construction of the stands is done only according to the plan established by the Organizer. 8.2. Exhibitors who own stands or rent them, in the traditional way, from a third party and set them up under their own supervision have the obligation to send for the approval of the architects appointed by ROMEXPO the layout projects, as well as the solutions techniques for their realization, until May 5, 2024. Arice development project must contain the list of working personnel. 8.3. The provisions of Art. 8.1. and 8.2. are subject to the following conditions:

  • failure to present the respective projects for approval will automatically lead to the impossibility of starting the development works;
  • technical solutions that involve fixing or supporting the building elements of the pavilion (walls, pillars, ceiling, floors, installations of any kind, etc.) will not be accepted.
  • îin case the construction of the stand does not correspond to the approved project, ROMEXPO can immediately order measures to decommission stands that do not comply with the previously mentioned conditions;
  • the development projects drawn up will comply with the clauses of the technical regulation of ROMEXPO S.A., as well as the legislative provisions regarding the employed workforce, labor protection and security, etc.;
  • ROMEXPO reserves the right to check, throughout the construction period, the manner in which the stands are set up. In the event that it is found that the construction is not in accordance with the project sent for approval, ROMEXPO will request the Exhibitor in this situation to pay damages in the amount of EUR 5,000/stand.

8.4. ROMEXPO S.A. provides complete design, construction and arrangement services for Exhibitors' stands. Exhibitors who build a stand with ROMEXPO will not need project approval. 8.5. During the performance of all activities specific to Bookfest 2024, the Exhibitors, as well as all staff employed in this event, comply with the following regulations:

  • The provisions of the ROMEXPO technical regulations, from which we select the following conditions:
  • The height of the stands should not exceed the permitted height for pavilion B2 (7 m.);
  • constructed stands are not allowed to exceed the site limits under any circumstances, even cantilevered elements are not allowed beyond the stand limits;
  • it is forbidden to anchor the ceiling stands;
  • it is forbidden to fix the stands to the floor or the walls of the pavilion with elements that require drilling (conexpand, dowel, etc.);
  • technical solutions that involve fixing or supporting the building elements of the pavilion (walls, pillars, ceiling, floors, installations of any kind, etc.) are prohibited.
  • the construction of the stands must be executed in this way, and the exhibition must take place under maximum safety conditions;
  • it is forbidden to work with an open fire in the pavilion;
  • it is forbidden to paint the construction elements of the stands with paint guns, but only with paint rollers;
  • wooden stands or inflammable elements must be fireproof;
  • electrical installations will comply without exception with the norms in force;
  • storage of any kind is prohibited behind the stands.

8.6. Obligations of the Exhibitor:

    • ensures for the entire staff with whom it collaborates general introductory training on safety and health at work, training at the workplace on safety and health at work, labor protection and PSI;
    • carries out specific regular training on labor protection and PSI;
    • He/she acknowledges the responsibilities and liabilities that fall to him as part of the Framework Convention/Contract, including the responsibilities that fall to the parties on the line of defense against fires in the event of the temporary transfer of the right of use over real estate/enterprise . The document, together with its appendices (Regulations and responsibilities of Bookfest 2024 participants in terms of safety and health at work and emergency situations imposed by ROMEXPO), will be made available to exhibitors on the


    , from where they must download them, complete them, sign them and send them to the organizer, îin original, together with the registration form.
  • smoking is allowed only in specially arranged places outside the pavilion. Exhibitors are obliged to strictly comply with this rule;
  • it is forbidden to block corridors and access ways, both inside and outside;
  • it is forbidden to block hydrants, water sources and fire extinguishers;
  • it is forbidden to use P.S.I. installations, equipment or materials, for purposes other than those for which they are intended;
  • displaying the exhibits will be done in such a way that the movement of people, equipment and installations intended for fire extinguishing is not impededthe endians;
  • it is strictly forbidden to store flammable materials (gasoline, diesel, oils, etc.) within the stands;
  • Mandatorily, in the case of the display of vehicles, they will not have a maximum of 2 liters of fuel in the tank. It is strictly forbidden to start engines îinside the exhibition space;
  • at the end of the exhibition day, each exhibitor will take measures to disconnect the electrical installations in each stand;
  • exhibitors have the obligation to notify the Organizer immediately in the event of a fire starting;
  • exhibitors have the obligation to facilitate the access of specialized personnel to the area affected by the fire as soon as possible;
  • the execution or modification of lighting installations by unauthorized persons or without the presence of specialized personnel approved by the Organizer is prohibited;
  • it is forbidden to carry out welding works and other works with an open flame without the Organizer's authorization;
  • packaging and waste will be evacuated immediately, their collection being done at the points established for this purpose;
  • any damages caused by fires are the sole responsibility of the

which caused them.

  • smoking and any type of firework show (including cold fireworks for indoor use) within the ROMEXPO spaces are prohibited, Exhibitors obliging themselves to comply with this provision.

8.6.1. Î in case of material damages due to work accidents, fires, damages caused by the Exhibitors' staff, these will be borne by the respective Exhibitor. 8.6.2. Î in the event of work accidents with temporary, collective, disabling or fatal incapacity suffered at the workplace or on the territory of ROMEXPO, by the Exhibitors' staff, occurring during the Bookfest 2024 event, including during the set-up/decommissioning periods , on the rented surfaces, the mentioned accidents will be declared and recorded by the respective Exhibitor. 8.6.3. In emergency situations (for example: fire, flood, gas leaks), occurring during the exhibition program, with a view to operative intervention and damage limitation, the ROMEXPO staff, assisted by the representative of the Organizer and, as the case may be, by the representative firefighters and/or the police representative, can enter the exhibition spaces, drawing up a report signed by the participating persons. 8.6.4. The organizer disclaims any responsibility regarding the solidity of the constructions erected by the Exhibitors, they being liable for any damages caused to third parties. 8.7. The set-up and/or set-up period valid for all Exhibitors (unset-up stand, set-up stand) is Tuesday, May 23, 2024, î between 08:00 and 24:00. 8.7.1. Stands larger than 100 square meters can be set up without charging any fee, on Monday, May 22, 2024, between 08:00 a.m. – 20:00. In this sense, Exhibitors will send a written request directly to ROMEXPO. 8.7.2. Exhibitors who do not fall under Art. 8.7.1., but request entry to the pavilions earlier than May 23, 2024 for the arrangement/construction of the stand, will pay an additional fee to ROMEXPO. 8.8. At the time of taking over the space, the Exhibitor signs a handover-acceptance protocol. The absence of any written mention made at the time of taking over the stand/equipment by the Exhibitor, creates the conventional presumption that it was received in good condition. 8.9. The dismantling and decommissioning of the stands will be done on Monday, May 29, 2024, between 08:00 and 24:00. In case of non-compliance with this deadline, the Exhibitors in question will pay to ROMEXPO, for each day of delay, the rent of the unissued pavilion, increased by 100%. 8.10. It is strictly prohibited to dismantle, even partially, î before the closing of the program on the last day of Bookfest 2024, subject to the application, by the Organizer, of a penalty equal to double the invoice for the space &icirc ;rented at Bookfest 2024. 8.11. Exhibitors must leave the stands and equipment rented from ROMEXPO in the same condition in which they received them, being responsible for their material and legal security during the period of preparation, holding of the Bookfest and dismantling/decommissioning of the stands . 8.11.1. In the event that it is found that the space and/or the rented goods will be handed over with shortages/damages, the Exhibitor undertakes to immediately pay the damages, except for those related to normal wear and tearrmale, based on the invoice issued by ROMEXPO. 8.12. Damage found after dismantling the stand will be repaired by ROMEXPO and put at the Exhibitor's expense. ART. 9. Equipment, equipment and decoration for stands 9.1. The standard stands have the following features depending on the surface:

  • standard stand 6 sqm: contoured walls (except free sides, depending on the location), dark gray carpet (reused), 1 pc. 220V socket, 2 spotlights, 1 graphic on the page, 1 table, 2 chairs, 1 trash can, 6 console shelves;
  • standard stand of 8 sqm: walls on the contour (except for the free sides, depending on the location), dark gray carpet (reused), 1 pc. 220V socket, 3 spotlights, 1 graphic on the sideboard, 1 table, 2 chairs, 1 trash can, 9 console shelves;
  • 12 sqm standard: contour walls (except free sides, depending on the location), dark gray carpet (reused), 1 pc. 220V socket, 4 spotlights, 1 graphic on the side, 1 table, 4 chairs, 1 trash can, 12 console shelves.

9.2. For standard stands over 12 sqm, the equipment will be according to the table below, Exhibitors will not be able to give up part of the equipment and request others as compensation. The stands are provided, optionally, with a 1m x 1m office, consisting of contour walls and drapery.

Area (m²) Carpet (sqm) Graphics per page 220V sockets Spots Tables Chairs Policies Trash bins  
13 – 24 13 – 24 1 1 5 2 4 16 1  
25 – 48 25 – 48 1 1 8 3 6 24 1  
49 – 75 49 – 75 1 1 12 4 8 40 1  
76 – 100 76 – 100 1 2 18 4 10 52 2  
over 100 over 100 1 2 25 5 12 64 2  

9.3. Exhibitors can request additional equipment for standard stands directly from the ROMEXPO Dispatcher (Pavilion 32). 9.3.1. The requested equipment will be received only after the rental costs have been paid, based on the invoice issued by ROMEXPO. Exhibitors will not be able to request additional equipment from the ROMEXPO Dispatch except on the day scheduled for the arrangements, respectively Tuesday, May 23, 2024. Simply ordering additional equipment and services is not sufficient for ROMEXPO to perform the ordered services. 9.4. The decoration of the stands will be carried out by the Exhibitors under their own responsibility. The decoration of the stands must comply with the general decoration and graphics plan designed by the Organizer, the technical regulations of ROMEXPO, the rules for the protection of work, the environment and the PSI as well as the PSI rules for the protection of work, provided for in Art. 8.6.. For any special decoration of the stand , Exhibitors will request ROMEXPO's consent. 9.5. According to the fiscal legislation in force, Exhibitors are obliged to have a cash register in the stand or a management software (issuance of fiscal receipts, invoices, receipts, etc.). In case of non-compliance, the responsibility belongs entirely to the respective Exhibitor. 9.5.1. The organizer disclaims responsibility for any violation of national tax legislation. ART. 10. Visual and/or sound promotion 10.1. The organizer establishes the display methods, the conditions under which sound, light or audiovisual equipment can be used, as well as those under which animations, promotional operations, shows, book presentations or opinion polls can be organized within the space exhibition. 10.2. Sound animations. Sound animations must not disturb the activity in the stands foreverborn Exhibitors must comply with the requirements of the BOOKFEST Organizer regarding the volume and frequency of the sounds emitted from their stand. 10.2.1. The organizer is the only one in a position to determine the acceptable sound level. Also, the Organizer can take all necessary measures to interrupt conferences, speeches, demonstrations and sound animations that disturb the Bookfest, including the requisitioning, during the event, of unauthorized sound installations, which fall under art. 10.2.3. and 10.2.4. 10.2.2. It is forbidden to organize concerts in the stands by the Exhibitors. Otherwise, the Organizer has the right to immediately declare the resolution of the contract and may proceed immediately to the evacuation of the space/stand where it is held, and the exhibitor at fault owes the Organizer damages and interest equal to at least double the value of the stand. This is an express commission pact based on the provisions of art. 1553 Civil Code and produces effects without other necessary formalities, without delay and without the intervention of the courts. 10.2.3. The use of sound systems for events organized at stands smaller than 10 m.p. is prohibited. In case of non-compliance with this article, the Organizer has the right to immediately declare the resolution of the contract and can immediately proceed to the evacuation of the space/stand where it is held, and the exhibitor at fault owes the Organizer damages equal to at least double value of the stand. This is an express commission pact based on the provisions of art. 1553 Civil Code and produces effects without other necessary formalities, without delay and without the intervention of the courts. 10.2.4. Launches with their own sound system are prohibited in the stands of exhibitors with stands of 10 m.p. and larger, with the exception of those who can demonstrate that they allocate, just for this activity, a space of at least 4 square meters, for the entire period of the event. Î in the case of those exhibitors who cannot prove the above, the launches at the stand can take place without a sound system, or at the event spaces made available by the Organizer. 10.3. Distribution of advertising/animation. The distribution of advertising materials or objects is strictly prohibited outside the area in front of the stand, without the prior written consent of the Organizer. 10.4. The Organizer has the right to suppress or modify those installations that affect the general appearance of the event, the activity of neighboring Exhibitors, as well as the public, or that do not correspond to the plan approved in advance by the Organizer. The organizer can revert to an authorization granted, when the neighboring Exhibitors, the circulation spaces or the attire of the event are affected. ART. 11. Access and movement of Exhibitors' vehicles 11.1. Exhibitors' pedestrian access to the exhibition complex is free. 11.2. Exhibitors, guests and their staff strictly comply with the rules established by ROMEXPO regarding access and car traffic, traffic signs and the maximum speed limit of 20km/h in the exhibition complex. 11.3. During the event, car access to the exhibition complex will be possible based on a RIFID card, for which a financial guarantee of 150 lei will be charged. The guarantee will be returned to the Exhibitor, when he returns the requested card to the Organizer. RIFID cards can be picked up from the Organizer's stand on May 23, 2024. RIFID cards will be returned on May 29, 2024 at the Organizer's stand. 11.3.1. During the entire period of the Bookfest, supplies will be available daily, between 08:30 – 09:30, at the pavilion's cargo doors, at the entrance from gate E (Poligrafiei boulevard), based on RIFID cards. 11.4. Access for the Exhibitors' other cars will be done with a car ticket, in the parking spaces allocated to the exhibition, at the rate established by ROMEXPO. 11.5. In case of necessity, Exhibitors can transport special guests by car, up to the door of the pavilion where the event in which they are participating is held, only under the following conditions: Exhibitors will communicate in writing, to the Organizer, at least two (2) days before the following dates:

  • the day the guests arrive, their names, arrival time, make and number of the car they are transported with, departure time. In turn, at least one (1) day before the respective event, the Organizer requests in writing the management of ROMEXPO access for special guests;
  • the car with which the guests are transported will not be able to park in the ROMEXPO yard. After the guest will be driven to the pavilion, the car will wait in the VIP parking lot until the end of the event they are participating in, within the Bookfest;
  • when the special guests leave, the car can enter the premises of the exhibition complex to pick them up;
  • car access to the exhibition complex, for special invitees of the Exhibitors, will only be at gate B.

ART. 12. Administrative measures 12.1. The general supervision of the exhibition space during the Bookfest 2024 visiting program will be carried out by the Organizer, so as to ensure the safety and security of the visitors and the common spaces. 12.2. The exhibitor is obliged to be present at the stand at least 30 minutes before the start of the visiting program for the public and to remain at the stand at least 30 minutes after the end of the visiting program for the public, until the departure of the last visitors. The task of ensuring the security of the goods and valuables inside the stand during the exhibition program (including 30 minutes before and after the visiting program for the public) belongs exclusively to the Exhibitor. The organizer cannot be held responsible for the integrity of the goods exhibited in the stand. 12.3. The cleaning and maintenance of the stands is the responsibility of the Exhibitors. ART. 13. Application of the Regulation. 13.1. These Regulations constitute an annex to the Application for Participation, which has the value of a contract between the parties. ART. 14. Force majeure 14.1. Force majeure, agreed to be that unforeseeable and irremovable event, which appeared after the conclusion of the contract and which prevents the party or parties from fulfilling their obligations assumed by the contract, exonerates the party who invokes it from liability the conditions of the law. The case of force majeure will be communicated by the interested party within 5 days of its occurrence; the evidentiary documents certifying the existence of the case of force majeure will be presented to the other party within 10 days from the date of occurrence of the events. 14.2. The cessation of force majeure events will be communicated immediately to the interested party. 14.3. The parties undertake to do all the diligence to limit the effects of force majeure in time. ART. 15. Litigation 15.1. Any litigation or dispute will be resolved by the two parties amicably, within 3 working days from the first attempt at resolution. 15.2. If the two parties cannot find an amicable solution, the dispute will be transferred to the competent courts within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Municipality of Bucharest.