Program of Bookfest Brașov events, 8th edition
- Bookfest Brașov 2024 takes place between October 31 and November 3 , at the Transilvania University Hall, and the visiting schedule is daily between 10.00-20.00 )
Thursday, October 31
17.00 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Book launch: Constantin Stere - Parliamentary speeches and other political speeches |
17.30 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Book launch: Emilia Stajilă - Oriental myths in Romanian poetry of the 20th century |
18.00 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Book launch: Vlad Bilevski - Nichifor Crainic - White days, black days |
18.30 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Book launch: Eugeniu Coșeriu - The main problems of the Romanian language |
Friday, November 1
16.00 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Book launch: Fănuș Neagu - Contemporary Romanian Theatre |
16.30 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Book launch: Florentin Popescu - The life and work of Vasile Voiculescu |
17.00 | Transilvania University Publishing House Launch of the art album Peisaj ulterior by Cosmin Frunteș , editor Adrian Lăcătuș, with 13 texts by Bogdan Coșa Participants: Cosmin Frunteș, Adrian Lăcătuș, Maria Ghiurțu |
17.30 | Litera Publishing House Book launch and autograph session Cătălin Ranco Pițu , Ruperea Blestemului. The Romanian Revolution of December 1989 He will speak with the author: Adrian Lesenciuc |
18.00 | Publishing House Humanitas Fiction Release of novels: Thomas Schlesser, Ochii Monai ; Sophie Haydock, The Flames ; Carlo Vecce, Catherine's Smile: Mother of Leonardo da Vinci Presented by: Laurentiu-Ciprian Tudor, Cristian Preda, Denisa Comănescu |
18.30 | Publishing House Humanitas Launching the volume Cartea depresilior. 24 confessions about sadness, fear, despair and other demons , coordinated by Marius Chivu , with texts by Dan Byron • Nicolae Comănescu • Suzana Dan • Dana Deac • Mihai Dobre • Aida Economu • Alexandra Furnea • Andrea Gavriliu • Oana Giurgiu • Iulia Lumânare • Răzvan Mazilu • Mela Mihai • Cosmin "Micutzu" Nedelcu • Katia Pascariu • Lia Perjovschi • Andreea Raicu • Iulia Rugină • Ada Solomon • Alexandru N. Stermin • Cătălin Ștefănescu • István Téglás • Ștefan Teișanu • Roman Tolici • Luiza Zan They will speak: Marius Chivu, Lidia Bodea, Cătălin Stanciu |
Saturday, November 2
11.00 | Litera Publishing House Book launch and autograph session Mădălina Dobrovolschi , Paradoxul four-leaf clover. Mădălina Dobrovolschi in dialogue with Ioana Bâldea Constantinescu |
11.30 | Humanitas Junior Publishing House Chocolate Grandpa by Narine Abgarian and King of the Flies , William Golding, translated by Radu Paraschivescu Speakers: Ioana Pârvulescu, Radu Paraschivescu, Lidia Bodea |
12.00 | Publishing House Humanitas Event Radu Oltean about the volume Din vremea lui Tudor. The story of a picturesque wild time, a Balkan western in which every scene holds our hearts in our mouths. They will speak: Radu Oltean, Laurentiu-Ciprian Tudor, Adrian Lesenciuc Autograph session |
12.30 | Polirom Publishing House Book launch and autograph session HISTORY: Sorin Mitu , Romanians and Hungarians. An imagological war of a thousand years They will speak with the author: Romulus Bucur, Valer Rus The "Historia" collection is coordinated by Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu. |
13.00 | Humanitas Fiction Event Launch of novels: Colson Whitehead, Privila borfașilor , Naoise Dolan, The Happy Couple , Laura Imai Messina, Island of Heartbeats Speakers: Cristian Preda, Mihail Vakulovski, Denisa Comănescu |
13.30 | Humanitas Publishing House Debate and book launch What do we want from the country's president? Civic guide for Romanian voters by Cristian Preda, Ciprian Mihali, Sorin Ioniță They will speak: Cristian Preda, Sorin Ioniță, Sabina Fati, Radu Paraschivescu |
14.00 | Humanitas Publishing House Preview Sabina Fati from the volume Journey to the Mouths of the Danube (Country at the Border) They will speak: Sabina Fati, Cristian Preda |
14.30 | Publishing House Humanitas Event Ioana Pârvulescu about the novel Aurul pisicii , bestseller Humanitas 2024 Speakers: Ioana Pârvulescu, Adrian Lesenciuc, Lidia Bodea |
15.00 | Humanitas publishing house Radu Paraschivescu event about the novel Freedom from depression: Shroudings and revelations from us , bestseller Humanitas 2024, and preview of Bracelet on your ankle Radu Paraschivescu in dialogue with Cristian Preda |
15.30 | Publishing House Humanitas Launch of the volume What else did my puppy do? Stories that rejoice and shake the tail , coordinated by Tatiana Niculescu , with texts by Mihaela Bărbuș • Ioana Both • Marius Chivu • Radu Corozel • Wilhelm Dancă • Mihal Frațilă • Dorian Galbinski • Georgeta-Anca Ionescu • Selma Iusuf • Riri Sylvia Manor • Ciprian Măceșaru • Mihaela Miroiu • Liviu Papadima • Cătălin Pavel • Oana Pellea • Cristian Tudor Popescu • Cristian Preda • Dumitra Râșnoveanu • Gabriela Tabacu • Sara Turetta Will speak: Tatiana Niculescu, Cristian Preda, Radu Paraschivescu, Marius Chivu, Lidia Bodea |
15.55 | Publishing House Humanitas Event Tatiana Niculescu about the delicious story of the Romanian cozonac They will speak: Tatiana Niculescu, Cristian Preda, Lidia Bodea Autograph session |
16.15 | Humanitas Fiction Event Volume launch: Narine Abgarian, Life is more righteous than death and Defne Suman, The Silence of Şeherezade Speakers: Ioana Pârvulescu, Sabina Fati, Adrian Lesenciuc Moderator: Denisa Comănescu |
16.45 | Publishing House Humanitas Event Gabriel Liiceanu Launch of the volume Gabriel Liiceanu in dialogue with Mario Vargas Llosa, Faces of evil in today's world. About fiction, literature and human civilization : Gabriel Liiceanu, Radu Paraschivescu, Denisa Comănescu will speak Autograph session |
17.30 | Release of the My Dear Wallace volume. The history of the day Sir Charles Darwin lost his elegance by Cătălin Vasilescu, author of the bestseller Bestiar: Seven stories with surgeons and their scandalous operations Speakers: Cătălin Vasilescu, Adina Coman, Tatiana Niculescu Moderator: Radu Paraschivescu Autograph session |
18.00 | Litera Publishing House Book launch and autograph session by Ioana Bâldea Constantinescu , Castle from my city |
18.30 | Transilvania University Publishing House Launch of the Chamber jazz volume. what is this music Editors Adrian Lăcătuș, Lucian Ban, Maria Ghiurțu Participants: Adrian Lăcătuș and Maria Ghiurțu |
19.15 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Irinel Popescu book launch - Memories from surgery and An astral meeting: Dimitrie Gerota - Constantin Brâncuși. The story of the Ecorse |
Sunday, November 3
11.30 | Humanitas publishing house Launch of the volume Fleas, nomads and rat soup: Stories from equatorial Africa by Andrei Daniel Mihalca Speakers: Andrei Daniel Mihalca, Dan Dinu Moderator: Gabriela Maaz Autograph session |
12.00 | Polirom Publishing House Radu Vancu book launch and autograph session , Illness & War. Journal, 2020-2024 In dialogue with the author: Adrian Lăcătuș |
12.30 | Litera Publishing House Book launch: Aleksei Navalnîi, Patriot. Memoirs Radu Vancu, Adrian Lăcătuș, Ioana Bâldea Constantinescu will speak |
13.00 | Transilvania University Publishing House Papercuts. Anthology of the festival of poetry on the page . Editors Adrian Lăcătuș and Robert G. Elekes Participants: Adrian Lăcătuș, Robert G. Elekes |
13.30 | Litera Publishing House Book launch and autograph session Igor Bergler , Temple of shadows. Michelangelo's lie |
14.00 | Romanian Academy Publishing House Book launch: Catinca Agache - Eminescu - Romanian identity symbol |
15.00 | Mindy&Nix, by Catrinel von Caitanovici. Ruxandra Ivăncescu will speak in the presence of the author. |
Bookfest Brașov 2024 exhibitors list
- Romanian Academy Publishing House | | 021.318.8146;
- Association League of Albanians from Romania | | 0723.232.904;
- Association of Macedonians from Romania | | 0722.251.947;
- Editorial Group ART | | 021.369.31.99;
- Byton | | 0264.267.119;
- Coffee Bike (Vinghi Coffee Concept) | | 0744430669;
- Corinth Editorial Group | | 021.319.48.20;
- Old Court Publishing | |;
- Didactics Publishing House | | 021.410.88.18;
- Focus Computer | | 0722373350;
- Publishing House Humanitas | | 021.408.83.50;
- Jocorama | | 0721.344.595;
- Litera Publishing House | | 0374.82.66.35;
- Music Media | | 0728666443;
- Nemira Publishing House | | 0372.118.685;
- Niculescu Publishing House | | 021.312.97.82;
- Pilot Books Publishing House | | 0729887546;
- Polirom publishing house | | 0232.214.10;
- Trei Publishing House | | 0728.909.944;
- Zupia | | 0756032269.