• Bookfest Timișoara 2025
  • 27 - 30 March

Program of Bookfest Brașov events, 8th edition


  • Bookfest Brașov 2024 takes place between October 31 and November 3 , at the Transilvania University Hall, and the visiting schedule is daily between 10.00-20.00 )


Thursday, October 31

17.00 Romanian Academy Publishing House
⁠Book launch: Constantin Stere - Parliamentary speeches and other political speeches
17.30 Romanian Academy Publishing House
Book launch: Emilia Stajilă - Oriental myths in Romanian poetry of the 20th century
18.00 Romanian Academy Publishing House
Book launch: Vlad Bilevski - Nichifor Crainic - White days, black days
18.30 Romanian Academy Publishing
House Book launch: Eugeniu Coșeriu - The main problems of the Romanian language


Friday, November 1

16.00 Romanian Academy Publishing
House Book launch: Fănuș Neagu - Contemporary Romanian Theatre
16.30 Romanian Academy Publishing House
Book launch: Florentin Popescu - The life and work of Vasile Voiculescu
17.00 Transilvania University Publishing House
Launch of the art album Peisaj ulterior by Cosmin Frunteș , editor Adrian Lăcătuș, with 13 texts by Bogdan Coșa
Participants: Cosmin Frunteș, Adrian Lăcătuș, Maria Ghiurțu
17.30 Litera Publishing House
Book launch and autograph session
Cătălin Ranco Pițu , Ruperea Blestemului. The Romanian Revolution of December 1989
He will speak with the author: Adrian Lesenciuc
18.00 Publishing House Humanitas Fiction
Release of novels: Thomas Schlesser, Ochii Monai ; Sophie Haydock, The Flames ; Carlo Vecce, Catherine's Smile: Mother of Leonardo da Vinci
Presented by: Laurentiu-Ciprian Tudor, Cristian Preda, Denisa Comănescu
18.30 Publishing House Humanitas
Launching the volume Cartea depresilior. 24 confessions about sadness, fear, despair and other demons , coordinated by Marius Chivu , with texts by Dan Byron • Nicolae Comănescu • Suzana Dan • Dana Deac • Mihai Dobre • Aida Economu • Alexandra Furnea • Andrea Gavriliu • Oana Giurgiu • Iulia Lumânare • Răzvan Mazilu • Mela Mihai • Cosmin "Micutzu" Nedelcu • Katia Pascariu • Lia Perjovschi • Andreea Raicu • Iulia Rugină • Ada Solomon • Alexandru N. Stermin • Cătălin Ștefănescu • István Téglás • Ștefan Teișanu • Roman Tolici • Luiza Zan
They will speak: Marius Chivu, Lidia Bodea, Cătălin Stanciu


Saturday, November 2

11.00 Litera Publishing House
Book launch and autograph session
Mădălina Dobrovolschi , Paradoxul four-leaf clover. Mădălina Dobrovolschi in dialogue with Ioana Bâldea Constantinescu
11.30 Humanitas Junior Publishing House
Chocolate Grandpa by Narine Abgarian and King of the Flies , William Golding, translated by Radu Paraschivescu
Speakers: Ioana Pârvulescu, Radu Paraschivescu, Lidia Bodea
12.00 Publishing House Humanitas
Event Radu Oltean about the volume Din vremea lui Tudor. The story of a picturesque wild time, a Balkan western in which every scene holds our hearts in our mouths.
They will speak: Radu Oltean, Laurentiu-Ciprian Tudor, Adrian Lesenciuc
Autograph session
12.30 Polirom Publishing House
Book launch and autograph session
HISTORY: Sorin Mitu , Romanians and Hungarians. An imagological war of a thousand years
They will speak with the author: Romulus Bucur, Valer Rus
The "Historia" collection is coordinated by Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu.
13.00 Humanitas Fiction Event
Launch of novels: Colson Whitehead, Privila borfașilor , Naoise Dolan, The Happy Couple , Laura Imai Messina, Island of Heartbeats
Speakers: Cristian Preda, Mihail Vakulovski, Denisa Comănescu
13.30 Humanitas Publishing House
Debate and book launch What do we want from the country's president? Civic guide for Romanian voters by Cristian Preda, Ciprian Mihali, Sorin Ioniță
They will speak: Cristian Preda, Sorin Ioniță, Sabina Fati, Radu Paraschivescu
14.00 Humanitas Publishing House
Preview Sabina Fati from the volume Journey to the Mouths of the Danube (Country at the Border)
They will speak: Sabina Fati, Cristian Preda
14.30 Publishing House Humanitas
Event Ioana Pârvulescu about the novel Aurul pisicii , bestseller Humanitas 2024
Speakers: Ioana Pârvulescu, Adrian Lesenciuc, Lidia Bodea
15.00 Humanitas publishing house
Radu Paraschivescu event about the novel Freedom from depression: Shroudings and revelations from us , bestseller Humanitas 2024, and preview of Bracelet on your ankle
Radu Paraschivescu in dialogue with Cristian Preda
15.30 Publishing House Humanitas
Launch of the volume What else did my puppy do? Stories that rejoice and shake the tail , coordinated by Tatiana Niculescu , with texts by Mihaela Bărbuș • Ioana Both • Marius Chivu • Radu Corozel • Wilhelm Dancă • Mihal Frațilă • Dorian Galbinski • Georgeta-Anca Ionescu • Selma Iusuf • Riri Sylvia Manor • Ciprian Măceșaru • Mihaela Miroiu • Liviu Papadima • Cătălin Pavel • Oana Pellea • Cristian Tudor Popescu • Cristian Preda • Dumitra Râșnoveanu • Gabriela Tabacu • Sara Turetta
Will speak: Tatiana Niculescu, Cristian Preda, Radu Paraschivescu, Marius Chivu, Lidia Bodea
15.55 Publishing House Humanitas
Event Tatiana Niculescu about the delicious story of the Romanian cozonac
They will speak: Tatiana Niculescu, Cristian Preda, Lidia Bodea
Autograph session
16.15 Humanitas Fiction Event
Volume launch: Narine Abgarian, Life is more righteous than death and Defne Suman, The Silence of Şeherezade
Speakers: Ioana Pârvulescu, Sabina Fati, Adrian Lesenciuc
Moderator: Denisa Comănescu
16.45 Publishing House Humanitas
Event Gabriel Liiceanu
Launch of the volume Gabriel Liiceanu in dialogue with Mario Vargas Llosa, Faces of evil in today's world. About fiction, literature and human civilization : Gabriel Liiceanu, Radu Paraschivescu, Denisa Comănescu
will speak Autograph session
17.30 Release of the My Dear Wallace volume. The history of the day Sir Charles Darwin lost his elegance by Cătălin Vasilescu, author of the bestseller Bestiar: Seven stories with surgeons and their scandalous operations
Speakers: Cătălin Vasilescu, Adina Coman, Tatiana Niculescu
Moderator: Radu Paraschivescu
Autograph session
18.00 Litera Publishing House
Book launch and autograph session
by Ioana Bâldea Constantinescu , Castle from my city
18.30 Transilvania University Publishing House
Launch of the Chamber jazz volume. what is this music Editors Adrian Lăcătuș, Lucian Ban, Maria Ghiurțu
Participants: Adrian Lăcătuș and Maria Ghiurțu
19.15 Romanian Academy Publishing House Irinel Popescu book launch - Memories from surgery and An astral meeting: Dimitrie Gerota - Constantin Brâncuși. The story of the Ecorse


Sunday, November 3

11.30 Humanitas publishing house
Launch of the volume Fleas, nomads and rat soup: Stories from equatorial Africa by Andrei Daniel Mihalca
Speakers: Andrei Daniel Mihalca, Dan Dinu
Moderator: Gabriela Maaz
Autograph session
12.00 Polirom Publishing House Radu Vancu
book launch and autograph session , Illness & War. Journal, 2020-2024 In dialogue with the author: Adrian Lăcătuș
12.30 Litera Publishing
House Book launch: Aleksei Navalnîi, Patriot. Memoirs Radu Vancu, Adrian Lăcătuș, Ioana Bâldea Constantinescu
will speak
13.00 Transilvania University Publishing House
Papercuts. Anthology of the festival of poetry on the page . Editors Adrian Lăcătuș and Robert G. Elekes
Participants: Adrian Lăcătuș, Robert G. Elekes
13.30 Litera Publishing House
Book launch and autograph session
Igor Bergler , Temple of shadows. Michelangelo's lie
14.00 Romanian Academy Publishing House
Book launch: Catinca Agache - Eminescu - Romanian identity symbol
15.00 Mindy&Nix, by Catrinel von Caitanovici. Ruxandra Ivăncescu will speak in the presence of the author.


Bookfest Brașov 2024 exhibitors list

  • Romanian Academy Publishing House | edacad@ear.ro | 021.318.8146;
  • Association League of Albanians from Romania | albfriend2001@yahoo.com | 0723.232.904;
  • Association of Macedonians from Romania | contact@asociatia-macedonenilor.ro | 0722.251.947;
  • Editorial Group ART | comenzi@editura-art.ro | 021.369.31.99;
  • Byton | contact@byton.ro | 0264.267.119;
  • Coffee Bike (Vinghi Coffee Concept) | coffeebike.brasov@gmail.com | 0744430669;
  • Corinth Editorial Group | vanzari@edituracorint.ro | 021.319.48.20;
  • Old Court Publishing | redactie@curteaveche.ro |;
  • Didactics Publishing House | contact@edituradph.ro | 021.410.88.18;
  • Focus Computer | corina.nistor@focuscomputer.ro | 0722373350;
  • Publishing House Humanitas | secretariat@humanitas.ro | 021.408.83.50;
  • Jocorama | grigbogdan@yahoo.com | 0721.344.595;
  • Litera Publishing House | contact@litera.ro | 0374.82.66.35;
  • Music Media | cipriantg@gmail.com | 0728666443;
  • Nemira Publishing House | office@nemira.ro | 0372.118.685;
  • Niculescu Publishing House | editura@niculescu.ro | 021.312.97.82;
  • Pilot Books Publishing House | start@pilotbooks.ro | 0729887546;
  • Polirom publishing house | office@polirom.ro | 0232.214.10;
  • Trei Publishing House | comenzi@edituratrei.ro | 0728.909.944;
  • Zupia | editura.zupia@gmail.com | 0756032269.