• Bookfest Timișoara 2025
  • 27 - 30 March

Bookfest opens the cultural spring in Timișoara


A new edition of the Timisoara Bookfest Book Fair, with writers Beloved and with the best books, it will take place between March 21-24, at the Regional Business Center (CRAFT)

Gabriel Liiceanu, Radu Paraschivescu, Ioana Pârvulescu, Andreea Răsuceanu, Mihaela Noroc, Moni Stanilă, Liviu Stanescu, Dan Sociu, Bogdan Creţu, Andrei Mocuta are just a few of the cultural personalities who will meet you at the Bookfest Timișoara stage

Public entry is free both within the Book Fair and at the events scheduled on its duration


Salonul de Carte Bookfest announces in Timișoara an edition rich in book launches, meetings with important personalities and autograph sessions. Between March 21 and 24, at the CRAFT Regional Business Center (Bulevardul Eroilor de la Tisa, no. 22), the Timișoara public is expected in large numbers at the Bookfest for The meeting with the best books at the best prices, but also with some of the most important cultural landmarks of the moment.

More than 30 events are scheduled during the Bookfest Book Fair, and they will provide book lovers with memorable meetings and autograph sessions from prominent personalities of contemporary Romanian culture: Ioana Pârvulescu, Gabriel Liiceanu, Radu Paraschivescu, Andreea Răsuceanu, Mihaela Noroc, Bogdan Creţu, Moni Stănilă< /strong>, Liviu Stănescu, Dan Sociu, Andrei Mocuta. Of course, the well-known authors from Timișoara Adriana Babeți,Mircea Mihăieș, Viorel Marineasa, Robert Șerban or strong>Radu Pavel Gheo.

Don't miss the discounts and offers that the participating exhibitors will have for the multitude of books present at the Regional Business Center (CRAFT). You will find them at the publishers' stands: the Romanian Academy publishing house, the All Editorial Group, the ARI Association, the Art Editorial Group, the Association of the League of Albanians in Romania, Brumar, Cartego, Cartex, Casa, the Corint Editorial Group, Crime Scene Press , Curtea Veche Publishing, Datagroup, Diana Press, Didactica Publishing House, Fischer International, Hasefer, Herald, Humanitas, Ink Story, Junimea, Lebăda Neagră, Librex Media, Litera, Association of Macedonians from Romania, Mega, National Museum of Banat, Nemira Publishing House, Niculescu-Oxford University Press, Nomina, Paralela 45, Asociaţia Culturală Adrian Păunescu, Polirom, Prior Media Group, RAO, Ratio et Revelatio, Sens, Shambala, Stand Agenţie Difusare Carte, Trei, publishing house of the University of the West. At the same time, the beloved local bookstore La doua Bufnițe will be present with a stand at Bookfest.



“The Princesses” communist leaders and their adventures

The salon opens its doors on Thursday, March 21 and the events will take place from the first day. The Brumar Publishing House is the one that will open the series and has prepared no less than four meetings for the people of Timisoara. So, from 15.00, Gilda Vălcan will give us the opportunity to meet the Mechanical Nightingale. Then, starting at 3:30 p.m., we will be able to learn more about Timișoara of the past and that of recent history, the “invisible city”, thanks to the volumes A short history of Timișoara pâ at 1716 and Underground 2 TM - the first signed, and the second coordinated by Cristian Vicol. And from 16.30 we will enter META Space with the help of the volume coordinated by Mirela Stoeac-Vlăduți.

Îstarting at 5:00 p.m., Lebăda Neagră publishing house will release two volumes: Second Life by Adrian Christescu and, from 5:30 p.m., the volume of short horror stories Red vodka, signed by Bogdan Piticariu. Writers Adrian Petru Stepan and Adrian Christescu will be invited, and the releases will be followed by an autograph session. The National Museum of Banat together with the Mega publishing house have prepared a medieval evening for the public and, from 18.00, Vasile Rămneanţu (prof. univ.), Adrian Magina (conf. univ. dr.) and Livia Magina (scientific researcher dr.) will present the following volumes: Nobles and dignitaries of the medieval and premodern mountain Banat (studieshistorical) by Ligia Boldea, Cistercian monastery from Igris from the perspective of archaeological research by Daniel Tănase and Huniade Castle, from the royal residence to the museum premises by Kopeczny Zsuzsa.

Thursday will also end with a call to history, but this time to recent history. So, from 7:00 p.m., the Corinth publishing house will bring us a fascinating book about the relationship between communist leaders and their children - The Red Princesses by Lavinia Betea, in the presence of the author.

Friday, March 22, will start in force. So, starting at 10:00 a.m., the Lebăda Neagră publishing house prepared a series of events for the people of Timisoara. The first will be the release of the volume Manifestul unu hater signed by Alex Ioneswith, “not recommended for immature people; it is a mirror îin which not everyone wants to see themselves”. With her will be Adriana Moţ and Adrian Christescu. From 10.30, we will be able to find out For whom we are writing, this being the title of the literary debate in which we will be able to take part, together with Banat writers Adrian Petru Stepan , Adriana Moț, Alex Ionescu, Alex Szöllö, Bogdan Piticariu and Mugur Ioniță. The moderator of the meeting will be the writer and editor Adrian Christescu. 11.30 will bring us an event organized in collaboration with the Comitato Dante Alighieri Di Timișoara Association: Oriana Fallaci – a conscience. It will be dedicated to the journalist Oriana Fallaci, with the presentation of the volumes Useless Sex, The Seven Sins of Hollywood, Letter for a Child Never Born and Un Man. At the meeting we will have as guests Mirela Ileana Boncea and Daniele Pantaleone - university lecturers. Ph.D. at the West University of Timișoara, and the moderator will be the writer Adrian Petru Stepan.

Brumar publishing house will give us a meeting at 12.00 with Brâncuși through the volume signed by Patricia Lidia - Adventures in the world of Brâncuși.

From 12:30 p.m., the Cartego publishing house has prepared a special event, namely the launch of the poetry anthology A thousand and one of me without shadows - a collaboration between Radmila Popovici and Florina Breazu, where poetry and art are in total symbiosis, creating a vibrant picture of the female experience.

Starting at 1:30 p.m., Daniel Meze (Editura ARI) will hold a conference entitled Kabbalah and the New Testament, to which the public is invited to participate .

14.30 will mark the literary debut of Ioana Bena - Recurs la past (twisted diary), volume recently published by Lebăda neagră. The book will be presented by the writer Mugur Ioniță and the editor Adrian Christescu.



Vargas Llosa, presented by Gabriel Liiceanu

Sens publishing house proposes a debate starting at 3:00 p.m., starting with the volume Jaques Ellul - Man and technique. The influence of technology on the life of modern man.

From 16.00, Robert Șerban will present îtogether with Simona Modreanu the collection “Hamletarium” of the Junimea publishing house and the volume from the “Orizontul lecturii” collection The Swedish bully. Aggressions of common sense signed by Alexandru Budac.

For 17.00, the Humanitas Fiction publishing house has prepared for readers a meeting with two volumes signed by Mario Vargas Llosa, laureate of the Nobel Prize for Literature. So we will be brought to our attention the new edition of the volume Letters to a young novelist and Conversation at Princeton, the literature and politics course that Llosa taught Together with Professor Rubén Gallo during the time he taught at Princeton. Gabriel Liiceanu, Adriana Babeți and Denisa Comănescu will be present at the event to offer new perspectives on the work of Vargas Llosa and to debate the fundamental themes addressed in the volumes.

From 5:30 p.m., the public will be able to take part in the launch of the volume Transfer by the writer and journalist Andrea Mocuța, published by the Humanitas publishing house. Transfer is a book that explores themes of identity, memory and trauma. Alongside the author, Adriana Babeți and Robert Șerban will be in dialogue to discuss the novel and the role of the artsand in the healing process.

Îstarting at 18.00, Melania Cincea, Ilinca Ilian, Mircea Dragu and Denisa Comănescu will present us some of the new volumes published by the Humanitas publishing house Fiction: Beyond the Barbed Wire by James D. Shipman, The Wind Knows My Name by Isabel Allende and The Queen of Hearts by Akira Mizubayashi.



”Spells” cats with a glass of Jidvei

Friday evening will end under the sign of books, cats and wine. So, from 6.30 p.m., the Humanitas publishing house will offer for our attention and enjoyment the collective volume What spells did my cat do?, coordinated by Radu Paraschivescu and presented by < strong>Lidia Bodea and Denisa Comănescu. The volume brings together the texts of 15 Romanian authors: Ana Blandiana, Lidia Bodea, Gigi Căciuleanu, Denisa Comănescu, Marius Chivu, Cătălina Dumitrescu, Mihai Frățilă, Simona Kessler, Gabriel Liiceanu, Dan C. Mihăilescu, Germina Nagâț, Radu Paraschivescu, Alina Pavelescu, Tania Radu and Vlad Stroescu. All of them write about the special relationship between man and cat, about the joys and sorrows that these felines bring to our lives. What Spells Has My Cat Done? is a funny, emotional and heartwarming book that will delight all cat lovers. Wine will accompany this event, and the public will be invited to a refined experience through the selection of premium wines that the Jidvei winery has prepared for tasting. It will be the best way to end the evening.



The second book for children signed by Ioana Pârvulescu

As usual at Bookfest, Saturday will be very rich in events that the public will enjoy. The start will be given by the Junimea publishing house which, from 11.30 am, has prepared two editorial signals for the public: Recurs by Adrian Dinu Rachieru (the “Orizontul lecturii” collection) and Convoy by Gheorghe Schwartz (“Epica” collection). They will be presented by Cornel Ungureanu, Adrian Dinu Rachieru and Horea Oprean, hosted by Simona Modreanu

Starting at 12:00, the Humanitas Junior publishing house has prepared a special event for children who love stories with surprises. The beloved writer Ioana Pârvulescu will release her second book for children, Three amazing days, having the writer Robert Şerban and Lidia Bodea.

It's time for the Humanitas publishing house to enter the event scene and challenge us to an enchanting and unmissable marathon. So 12.30 will take us to the Girls' World through the second album made by Mihaela Noroc, the author of the international bestseller Beauty Atlas >. Through her photos and texts, Mihaela Noroc will give us the opportunity to discover the diversity of the world and the unique beauty of each girl, starting from the portraits and stories of girls from 55 countries. Robert Șerban and Lidia Bodea will be dialogue partners, having as their starting point the experience of traveling and photographing girls from all over the world.



Radu Paraschivescu reads for the first time from the new book

From 1:00 p.m., we will change the thematic register and propose a moment of dialogue and reflection by launching the volumes Î back to the argument: Four dialogues about the splendors too quickly forgotten by Gabriel Liiceanu and Horia-Roman Patapievici and Exitus by Gabriel Liiceanu, two of the most important Romanian intellectuals of the moment. The two volumes explore fundamental themes of human existence, from friendship and love to destiny and death, offering the reader a deep and original perspective on the world we live in. They will be presented by Gabriel Liiceanu, Ioana Pârvulescu, Melania Cincea and Mircea Mihăieș, and the launch will be followed by an autograph session.

Then, at 2:00 p.m., the Humanitas Fiction publishing house will propose the novels Pasagerul and Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy, Nobody leaves Palo Alto >by Yaniv Iczkovits and Borges and I by Jay Parini. They will be presented by Ioana Pârvulescu, Dana Percek, Florin Lobonț and Denisa Comănescu.

Humanitas publishing house still has onesurprise prepared for those who will cross the threshold of the Bookfest Salon and, from 15.00, will bring the spectacular writer Radu Paraschivescuin front of the readers, marking a double event. On the one hand, in the presence of Robert Șerban and Lidia Bodea, a new edition of the novel Today is the morning you you feared yesterday, the novel of a song that crosses the ages and which the author will bring again in front of the readers. At the same time, Radu Paraschivescu will offer the present audience a preview reading from his book under preparation, Libertatea de depresie. Any meeting with Radu Paraschivescu and his volumes is a reason for joy, so we expect you to take advantage of this event and the autographs he will give you.



Bogdan Crețu says more about Less than love

Îstarting at 3:45 p.m., it is the Polirom publishing house's turn to start a series of special events for the bibliophile public. The first one he proposes is the meeting of the readers with the teacher and literary critic from Iasi Bogdan Creţu, occasioned by the appearance of his new novel Less decâ t love, which is not only a love story, but also a plea for memory. This marks, along with other volumes that the publishing house has prepared, 20 years of existence of the "Ego" collection. Prose” and will be debated by Adriana Babeți and Radu Pavel Gheo.

Then, from 4:15 p.m., we will hear one of the strongest voices of contemporary Romanian literature. The meeting will be with the writer Andreea Răsuceanu and the last volume of the trilogy of the village C., Linia Kármán - a novel of different types of borders, on which we are invited to understand and transcend through the foray into the complex universe created by the author. She will be accompanied in the debate by Cristina Chevereșan and Alexandru Oravițan.

After 18.00, the Humanitas Fiction publishing house will bring us some other news presented by Ioana Pârvulescu, Robert Șerban and Denisa Comănescu: strong>Dark Sun (the third volume in the cycle Crossing the Centuries) by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Number 2 of David Foenkinos and Concert at the end of winter by Ismail Kadare.

In the evening, after 6:30 p.m., the Humanitas publishing house will take us to the “end of the world”, with Liviu Stănescu as our guide and his volume that combines original travel notes with lyrical moments - I was at the end of the world. He will be accompanied by Lidia Bodea.

Saturday's events will end with the Cartex publishing house which, starting at 19.00, will give us the opportunity to meet Ramona Boldizsar and her new volume , Tell me where to press harder. Alex Higyed will join them and they will give the last word to the poem.



Memorandum for tankers, presented by Viorel Marineasa

Sunday, March 24, is the last day of the Salon, but it will be no less and will delight the public with a lot of special events. The Cartex publishing house is the one that will this time open the series of events at 10:00 a.m. and will launch În penitentiary colony by Franz Kafka. The translation and introductory study of this new edition belong to Lucian Pricop.

At 11:00 a.m. we will bring to our attention a re-edition of one of the volumes of the emblematic authors from Timisoara, Viorel Marineasa and the late Daniel Vighi - Plânsul batr&acirc the new Soviet dramatic tenor. Memoir for tankers, published by the Ariergarda publishing house.

From 12:00 p.m., the Humanitas Junior Publishing House will invite children to enter the Circle of liars because it has prepared for them a spectacular edition of The 100 most beautiful philosophical stories from around the world signed by Jean-Claude Carrière. Our guides in the universe of “liars”, i.e. storytellers, will be Andrada Mazilu (teacher at the Nikolaus Lenau Theoretical High School in Timișoara, awarded with the MERITO award), Bajkó Attila (illustrator of the book) and Mircea Dragu (writer and psychologist).



Polyrom Libraryit can be visited in the presence of the coordinator

Starting at 13.00, it is the Polirom publishing house's turn to start the marathon of events. The first meeting, which will be moderated by Dan Croitoru, the collection coordinator, will bring together Dana Crăciun, Otilia Ghițescu, Moni Stănilă, Oana Doboși, Raluca Selejan, Mihai Gafencu î around the new titles appearing î in the “Biblioteca Polirom” collection: Bournvilleby Jonathan Coe, Calendarul une vechi iubiriby Andrei Makine, Almost Sisters by Cloé Korman, Elif Shafak's Isle of Lost Trees, Ryū Murakami's Tokyo Decadence, Jonathan Franzen's Crossroads, Victory City by Salman Rushdie and Lessons by Ian McEwan.

The next two events of the publishing house will mark the 20th anniversary of the "Ego" collection. Prose”. So, at 14.00, Moni Stănilă will be present in front of the readers alongside Radu Pavel Gheo and Oana Doboși to talk about the second edition, revised, of the novel The 4th- “a book about trust and hesitation, about (self)exile and liberation, about compassion and passion, about ignorance and initiation . A novel that has the impact of poetry and the eloquence of a homily. A plea for humanity.” (Lucia Țurcanu)

Îstarting at 14.30, Dan Sociu will be accompanied by Alina Radu and Radu Pavel Gheo, in a discussion occasioned by the appearance the volumes La gounio and how do you manage, my life,thus marking his double literary posture - both a prose writer and a poet.

From 15.00, ARTLIT (Romanian Association of Literary Translators) proposes for debate an extremely important and current topic entitled Literary translation, between AI and IQ. Mirela Iacob, Dana Crăciun and Gabriel Kohn will conduct a dialogue about meaning and understanding, the human approach and artificial algorithms in literary translation.< /p>

Sens publishing house prepared at 4:00 p.m. the launch of the book A life of a novel by Emanuela Covaci. The author will be in dialogue with the writer Borko Ilin, having as the topic of debate “Writing as a form of liberation; an x-ray of tolerance”.

The salon will end with the Brumar publishing house, which, from 18.00, will give us the opportunity to meet the volumes of the wonderful and always playful Şerban Foarţă: The Narration to be - Robert Şerban î in dialogue with Şerban Foartă and Erosophia , Erosophia. Incantations & A cantilena.

The complete program of events will soon be available on the page www.bookfest.ro


As with all Bookfest events, public entry will be free within the Salon. Î on all four days, Bookfest Timisoara can be visited between 10.00 and 20.00.


The Bookfest Timișoara Book Fair is organized by the Association of Editors from Romania, under the auspices of the Federation of Editors from Romania, together with the City Hall of Timișoara, through the House of Culture of the Municipality of Timișoara.


Partners: Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Timiș County Library, West University of Timișoara.


Media partners: TVR Timișoara, Radio România Timișoara, Banatul Azi, Timiș Online, Timpolis, Powere a Cincea, Stiri de Timișoara, News for children



Bookfest is the most important book fair in Romania and the only event of the publishing industry that managed to acquire a significant international dimension. At the 2023 Bookfest International Book Fair (Bucharest, May 29 - June 2, 2023), over 170 exhibitors were present, the five-day program including over 400 events, from launches and debates to film screenings and interactive events. The guest of honor of this edition was Italy. At previous international editions, the invited countries were: Spain, Hungary, France, German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), Poland, Czech Republic, Israel, Sweden, United States of America, Great Britain and Japan.

The Bookfest Book Fair has local editions in Timișoara, Cluj-Napoca, Târgu Mureș, Brașov and another international edition in Chișinău.