• Bookfest Brașov 2024
  • 31 October - 3 November 2024

Bookfest Timișoara event schedule, XI edition (March 21 – 24, 2024)


Thursday, March 21

12.00   The official opening of the Timișoara Bookfest Book Fair, the 11th edition.

13.00   Editoria Române – Release of volumes: • The poems of the unicorn by Dimitrie Cantemir• Oriental myths by Emilia Stajila • Clothing in the body - One hundred and one poems by Valeriu Matei (Scena Bookfest)

15.00   Brumar Publishing House - Book launch: Wooden Girl by Ionuța-Natalia Iorga. (Bookfest Stage)

15.20   Brumar Publishing House - Mechanical Nightingale by Gilda Vălcan. Invited: Simona Constantinovici and Marcel Tolcea. (Bookfest Stage)

15.45   Brumar Publishing House - A short history of Timisoara by Cristian Vicol. Presented by: Loredana Tîrzioru and Cristian Vicol (Bookfest Stage)

16.00   Brumar Publishing House - Underground 2 TM - (ed.) Cristian Vicol. Guests: authors of the anthology (Bookfest Scene)

16.00   Western University Publishing House - Cheile Turzii – archaeological monograph by Gheorghe Lazarovici, Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici and Nicolae Vlasa. They will speak: Andrei Stavilă, Cosmin Suciu, IPS Ioan Selejan, Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici and Gheorghe Lazarovici. (Bookfest Cafe)

16.30   Brumar Publishing House - Launch of the SCI-ART YOUR LIFE catalog. Îin dialogue: Mirela Stoeac-Vlăduți (editor) and Loredana Tîrzioru (Scena Bookfest)

17.00   Lebăda Neagră Publishing House - Book launch and autograph session. Second Life by Adrian Christescu. Presented by: Adrian Christescu, author, and Adrian Petru Stepan, writer. (Scena Bookfest em>)

17.00   Western University Publishing House - Legal. University. Politics by Cristian Clipa. They will speak: Adrian Marcu, Radu I. Motica and Cristian Clipa. (Bookfest Cafe)

17.30   Lebăda Neagră Publishing House - Book launch and autograph session Red Vodka by Bogdan Piticariu. Guests: Bogdan Piticariu, author and Adrian Petru Stepan, writer. Moderator: Adrian Christescu, publisher. (Scena Bookfest)

18.00   Events Muzeul Banatului (together with the Mega publishing house) • Nobles and dignitaries of medieval and premodern mountain Banat (historical studies), author Ligia Boldea (MBM Reşiţa), Ed. Mega, Cluj, 2023 - presented by univ. dr. Vasile Rămneantu The Cistercian monastery from Igris from the perspective of archaeological research, author Daniel Tănase (MNaB Timişoara), Ed. Mega, Cluj, 2022 - presents conf. university Dr. Adrian MaginaHuniade Castle, from royal residence to museum headquarters, author Kopeczny Zsuzsa (MNaB Timişoara), Ed. Mega, Cluj, 2023 - presents research. scientific dr. Livia Magina (Scena Bookfest)

18.00   Western University Publishing House - Challenge, Fun & Glamour, Small dictionary of English words (found in print) by Hortensia Pârlog Will speak: Hortensia Pârlog, Loredana Pungă and Mihaela Cozma. (Bookfest Cafe)

19.00   Corint Publishing House - Launch of the volume Red Princesses by Lavinia Betea. (Scena Bookfest)


Friday, March 22

10.00   Lebăda Neagră Publishing House - Released bybook and autograph session The manifesto of a hater by Alex Ionescu. Guests: Alex Ionescu, author, Adriana Moț, writer. Moderator: Adrian Christescu, editor. (Bookfest Stage)

10.30    Editura Lebăda Neagră - Literary debate: Who are we writing for? Meeting with Banat writers Adrian Petru Stepan, Adriana Moț, Alex Ionescu, Alex Szöllö, Bogdan Piticariu, Mugur Ioniță. Moderator: Adrian Christescu, publisher (Bookfest Stage)

11.30     Editura Lebăda Neagră - Oriana Fallaci – a conscience. Event dedicated to the journalist Oriana Fallaci, with the presentation of the volumes Useless sex, The seven sins of Hollywood, Letter for a child never born, Un Man. Invite: lector univ. dr. Mirela Ileana Boncea, West University of Timișoara and university lecturer. Dr. Daniele Pantaleoni, West University of Timișoara. Moderator: Adrian Petru Stepan, writer. Event organized in collaboration with the Comitato Dante Alighieri Di Timisoara Association (Scena Bookfest)

12.00    Editura Brumar - Adventures in the world of Brâncuși by Patricia Lidia. Art and story workshop by Patricia Lidia. (Bookfest Stage)

12.30    Editura Cartego - Book launch event by Radmila Popovici and Florina Breazu:A thousand and one of me without shadows. Poetry recital and art exhibition. (Bookfest Stage)

13.00    Editoria Române – Release of volumes: • The main problems of the Romanian language by Eugeniu Coșeriu• The early and late river by Ion Hadâră• Parliamentary speeches by Constantin Stere. (Bookfest Cafe)

13.30    ARI Publishing House - Conference held by Daniel Meze: Kabbalah and the New Testament (Bookfest Stage )

14.00    Editura Casa - Opening of the illustration exhibition Hora, part of the international project Together in the Middle of Europe. (Exhibition space)

14.30    Editura Lebăda Neagră - Literary debut: Recourse to the past (twisted diary) by Ioana Bena. Invites: Ioana Bena, author, Mugur Ioniță, writer. Moderator: Adrian Christescu, publisher. (Scena Bookfest)

15.00    Editura Sens - Debate: Jacques Ellul - Man and technique. The influence of technology on the life of modern man. (Bookfest Stage)

16.00    Editura Junimea - Editorial signs: • Robert Șerban î in dialogue with Simona Modreanu about the collection “Hamletarium” • The Swedish bully. Aggressions of common sense by Alexandru Budac (the “Orizontul lecturii” collection). Presented by: Robert Şerban. Host: Simona Modreanu. (Bookfest Stage)

17.00    Editura Humanitas Fiction - Letters to a Young Novelist and Conversation at Princeton by Mario Vargas Llosa. Presented by: Gabriel Liiceanu, Adriana Babeți and Denisa Comănescu. (Bookfest Stage)

17.30    Editura Humanitas - Book launch and autograph session: Transfer by Andrei Mocuta. Presented by: Adriana Babeți, Robert Șerban and Andrei Mocuta. (Bookfest Stage)

18.00   Editura Humanitas Fiction - Release of novels: • Beyond the barbed wire by James D. Shipman • The wind knows my name by Isabel Allende • Queen of Hearts by Akira Mizubayashi. Presents: Melania Cincea, Ilinca Ilian, Mircea Dragu and Denisa Comănescu. (Scene Bookfest)

18.00   West University Publishing House - Affective Mosaic by Eugen Bunaru. They will speak: Simona Constantinovici, Adrian Petru Stepan, Cornel Ungureanu and Eugen Bunaru. (Bookfest Cafe)

18.30    Editura Humanitas - Launch of the collective volume What spells has my cat done, coordinated by Radu Paraschivescu, with texts by Ana Blandiana, Lidia Bodea, Gigi Căciuleanu, Denisa Comănescu, Marius Chivu, Cătălina Dumitrescu, Mihai Frățilă, Simona Kessler, Gabriel Liiceanu, Dan C. Mihăilescu, Germina Nagâț, Radu Paraschivescu, Alina Pavelescu, Tania Radu, Vlad Stroescu. Presented by: Radu Paraschivescu, Lidia Bodea and Denisa Comănescu. With Jidve's participation.(Bookfest Stage)

19.00   Trei Publishing House together with the West University of Timișoara - Master of Philosophical Counseling and Consulting and ReCentre Clinic - Launch of the volume “How to make peace with imperfection” by Dr. Elliot D. Cohen, trans. Florin Lobonț and Ioana Ploeșteanu. Presented by: Florin Lobonț, Ramona Băluțescu and Ionuț Mladin. (Bookfest Cafe)


Saturday, March 23

10.00   Datagroup Publishing House - Release of volumes: Viv'Infernum - Whispers of Death by Costin Neață,The Song of My Heartby Karina Băncescu, Citadel of Dreams by Gelu F. Achiş, Stories from under 2 Slippers by Vlad B Popa, Super OK by Mircea Moroianu and Cercuri by Liviu Chifane. The authors and their guests will be present: Teodora Vescan, Andru David Simionoiu, Cristiana Apetrei and the actors Raoul Horn and Miruna Conțiu. Moderator: Claudiu T. Ariesan (Bookfest Stage)

11.30     Editura Junimea - Editorial signs: • Resource byAdrian Dinu Rachieru (the “Orizontul lecturii” collection) • Convoy by Gheorghe Schwartz (“Epica” collection) Presents: Cornel Ungureanu, Adrian Dinu Rachieru and Horea Oprean Host: Simona Modreanu (Bookfest Stage)

12.00    Editura Humanitas Junior - Book launch and autograph session: Three extraordinary days by Ioana Pârvulescu. Presented by: Ioana Pârvulescu, Robert Şerban and Lidia Bodea. (Bookfest Stage)

12.30    Editura Humanitas - Book launch and autograph session: The world of girls: Portraits and stories from around the earth by Mihaela Noroc, author of the bestseller Atlas of beauty. Presented by: Mihaela Noroc, Robert Șerban and Lidia Bodea. (Bookfest Stage)

13.00    Editura Humanitas - Book launch and autograph session Î back to the argument: Four dialogues about the splendours too quickly forgotten by Gabriel Liiceanu and Horia-Roman Patapievici, Exitus by Gabriel Liiceanu. Presented by: Gabriel Liiceanu, Ioana Pârvulescu, Melania Cincea and Mircea Mihăieș (Bookfest Stage)

14.00    Editura Humanitas Fiction - Release of novels: • The Passenger and Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy • Nobody Leaves Palo Alto by Yaniv Iczkovits • Borges and I by Jay Parini. Presented: Ioana Pârvulescu, Dana Percek, Florin Lobonț and Denisa Comănescu (Bookfest Stage)

14.30    Editura Humanitas - Book launch and autograph session: Today is the morning you dreaded yesterday by Radu Paraschivescu and preview from the volume Freedom from depression. Presented by: Radu Paraschivescu, Robert Șerban and Lidia Bodea.